How to Install and Maintain Multilibs in Slackware with slackpkg+
(Easy Updated Way, Tested working in Slackware Current, it should work for Stable as well, just make sure to track the repos for stable for stable and current for current)
- Install Multilib in Slackware Current, and Keep the Multilib Enabled Slackware - Current up-to-date with slackpkg+:
2.) Edit slackpkg.conf file with your desired editor, for examples emacs and nano are used:
# emacs -nw /etc/slackpkg/slackpkgplus.conf
you can also use vim or nano for example:
# nano /etc/slackpkg/slackpkgplus.conf
add this line to the mirrorplus list:
3.) Then in REPOPLUS array add the entry - multilib , typically best right after slackpkgplus entry so it would look like this:
REPOPLUS=( slackpkgplus multilib restricted alienbob ktown mate )
#priority repo list: order of left priority, right less priority
4.) Save, then exit and run these commands in order, line after line:
# slackpkg update gpg
# slackpkg update
# slackpkg upgrade-all
# slackpkg install multilib
(Optionally: Another way is to install slackpkg+ then run this command to automatically setup everything that is to be done with the instructions above:
# /usr/doc/slackpkg+-*/
To uninstall re-run the same command again)
To keep multilib up-to-date:
After that, you can keep multilib up-to-date by running these commands in order, line by line:
# slackpkg update
# slackpkg upgrade-all
# slackpkg install multilib
*To uninstall multilib, edit the slackpkgplus.conf file located in /etc/slackpkg/slackpkgplus.conf and remove 'multilib' from PKGS_PRIORITY and REPOPLUS arrays, but do NOT delete the related MIRRORPLUS line, then run the following commands:
# slackpkg update
# slackpkg remove multilib
Note: this does NOT remove the core multilib packages, because they affect the 64bit system. Remove these with the following commands:
# slackpkg upgrade-all
then delete or comment the related MIRRORPLUS line, then run:
# slackpkg update
NOTE: This is a very basic sample slackpkg+ config file could look like with multilib setup:
WGETOPTS="--timeout=20 --tries=2"
WGETOPTS="--timeout=20 --tries=2"
PKGS_PRIORITY=( restricted alienbob ktown mate )
REPOPLUS=( slackpkgplus multilib restricted alienbob ktown mate ) #priority repo list: order of left priority, right less priority
REPOPLUS=( slackpkgplus multilib restricted alienbob ktown mate ) #priority repo list: order of left priority, right less priority
NOTE: Using this method with slackpkg+ to Install and Keep Multilib
up-to-date in Slackware Current, this is definitely easier than the old
way, and you can do the initial setup manually or with
/usr/doc/slackpkg+-*/ script in slackpkg+
Tips and a Fix for Troubleshooting Common Problems with slackpkg/slackpkg+:
When errors happen first check the slackpkg+ config file, and the
mirror list at /etc/slackpkg/mirrors and /etc/slackpkg/slackpkgplus.conf
, make sure there are no typos or using of capital letters in the urls
and make sure its all setup as mentioned above.
- Before installing and upgrading with slackpkg/slackpkg+, issue these commands first:
# slackpkg update gpg
# slackpkg update
- Sometimes the urls in the mirrors are not up-to-date in this case you have to check and find the right urls that work
To avoid problems use urls that are the same version as the system you
use, so use urls with current when using current, or 14.2 with 14.2
If you run into an error that says you have duplicate packages that are
conflicting in /var/log/packages, what you have to do is check that
directory of any packages that have either a duplicate of the same
package or
1 package with double or multiple versions like foo_ver1.1 and
foo_ver1.2 , all you have to do is remove the problematic package in
this case the older one, and it should work.
example issue duplicate slackpkg version conflict:
- When running slackpkg upgrade-all as below you come into contact with such an error:
# slackpkg upgrade-all
NOTE: Remember to re-run 'slackpkg update' after modifying slackpkgplus.conf
Checking local integrity... DONE
You have a broken /var/log/packages - with two versions of the same package.
The list of packages duplicated in your machine are shown below, but don't
worry about this list - when you select your action, slackpkg will show a
better list:
You can (B)lacklist, (R)emove, or (I)gnore these packages.
Select your action (B/R/I):
Issuing the command removepkg on slackpkg will not fix this issue, even
if you reinstall slackpkg, instead issue this command:
# ls /var/log/packages | grep slackpkg
Fortunately the error gave the hint of the program that is causing
the problem, so you get a list that looks something like this for
example where you see the duplicate issue
So you just uninstall the older or problematic version with this
# removepkg /var/log/packages/slackpkg-2.81.1-noarch-1
- Now things should be back to normal, run the # slackpkg upgrade command now and it should work
Reference Links:
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
"" *Linux4UnMe Channel
basically mentions he used slackpkg+ to install multilibs in his
slackware linux system, but doesnt explain how he did it, anyways i have tried to explain how to do this in detail above
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