First install gpac:
In debian based distros, issue command in terminal:
# apt-get install gpac
To join files issue command:
$ MP4Box -cat input1.mp4 -cat input2.mp4 -cat input3.mp4 -new output.mp4
- Where input(n).mp4 is the input mp4 files you want to join together, you must start from left to right, left starts the order going to the right what follows in order, it is not limited to 3 files, I limit it to 3 only for example purposes.
- The command is written exactly as it starts with command MP4Box and not mp4box or MP4BOX and etc, if you have an error check your case and spelling.
- The $ sign at the start of the command is to signify the terminal's prompt, no need to type this in.
- The # sign at the start of the command is to signify the root terminal's prompt, no need to type this in.
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