2 Ways to Disable laptop touchpad in Linux:
1.) Disable Touchpad with PSMOUSE Kernel Module
Sometimes when using a laptop the touchpad is too sensitive for typing that simply typing fast causes misstypes due to vibrations because of it, or you can be hitting it by accident, or that you dont need the touchpad as your using a mouse instead, to disable the touchpad issue command -
$ sudo /sbin/modprobe -r psmouse/or
$ /sbin/modprobe -r psmouse/or
# modprobe -r psmouse
to re-enable the touchpad again issue command -
$ sudo /sbin/modprobe psmouse/or
# /sbin/modprobe psmouse/or
# modprobe psmouse
2.) Disable Touchpad with SYNCLIENT
- Using synclient utility, you can disable the laptop touchpad.
Disable touchpad, issue the command below:
$ synclient TouchpadOff=1
For enabling touchpad, you need to set value to 0 and run this command in terminal as in below.
$ synclient TouchpadOff=0
- You can also put it in a startup bash script or config script so that it disables the touchpad on startup
- the $ sign at the start of the command is to signify the terminal's prompt, no need to type this in.
- the # sign at the start of the command is to signify the Root user's terminal's prompt, no need to type this in.
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